rating: 5 outta 5!!! Hell YES!!!
price: regular plate $9.95 ($1 extra to add meat) or SUPER nachos for $12.95 (includes meat)
if you've ever wondered how the nacho girlfriends can eat so many plates of nachos and without getting fat, here is the answer. you have to:
1) climb a mountain before eating them.
2) ski or snowboard all day long before eating them.
3) stop eating for a few days if you can't do 1 or 2
4) stick your finger down your throat (ha! kidding! and for the record we think bulimia is no laughing matter! not to mention tortilla chips and jalapenos would hurt coming back up...ouch!).
fortunately the best nachos we have found so far are in beautiful north bend (home of twin peaks!). it's a good thing these nachos are a mere 17 miles west of snoqualmie pass so we can play in the mountains first, and thus, not get fat. bonus! if you want to get right down to it, north bend bar and grill nachos are made of crack. or at least it would seem that way by the amount of time nacho girlfriend 2 spends there eating them, even though she lives in seattle. thus far we have drug about 10 people to north bend for nachos (best paired with local beers such as manny's or snoqualmie IPA!) and all agree that these are some of the best, if not the best, in the area. nacho girlfriend 1 was introduced to these "oh so yummy gastronomic delights" by nacho girlfriend 2 and have to agree these are some of the best nachos in the US.
they come in two sizes, regular and super. both are pretty much the same except the regular is the size of a plate (perfect for 2) and the super is the size of a platter (enough for an army). you also get a choice of plain, chicken or beef. so far we have only sampled the chicken, but is damn good! well-seasoned pulled chicken all over the place!
yay!: real yummy cheese and plenty of it. the chips don't get too soggy (be sure to ask for the sour cream on the side). generous helpings of toppings and more than willing to give us extra jalapenos. excellent topping variety (onions, olives, tomatoes, jalapenos, choice of chicken or beef) plus a pretty good salsa on the side. most importantly, the staff also gives plenty of napkins.
boo!: it could be layered a bit better . . . there are a few too many dry chips at the bottom. occasionally they go overboard on the chicken. it is possible to have too much chicken on your nachos. once in awhile you get a really bitchy bartender. north bend is pretty far away from seattle so you can't really have more than two beers with your nachos.
recommendation: GO!!! it's worth the drive. just don't forget to go hiking or snowboarding first so you won't get fat.