so really we can blame this blog on bed bug doug. who is bed bug doug you may ask? it doesn't matter. he has scabies. no wait, bed bugs. no! allergies . . . what does he have? oh sorry . . . we digress. back to the tj taco review.
so your beloved reviewers took a field trip to mission ridge which took a painful turn for the worst. nacho girlfriend 1 caught an edge and broke her shoulder. how could nacho girlfriend 2 cheer her up? frozen mini tacos accompanied by a mag of pinot grigio circa 2005, of course!!!
the mini beef tacos (also comes in chicken!) can be prepared 3 ways: deep fry, oven, or microwave. we do not deep fry our tacos. so, we tried them both microwaved and oven baked. the box also suggested a variety of condiments to accessorize your tacos (don't be fooled by the picture on the box. tomatoes and cheese not included). we discovered that tapatio, fat free tillamook sour cream, fat free sharp cheddar slices, trader joe guacamole, and jalapenos - or a combination thereof - were the preferred choices of toppings.
microwave: soggy and greasy, but easily separated for adding toppings. over all the taste was fine, but the texture left something to be desired. if you are adding any of the suggested condiments we recommend this method of preparation (just don't look inside!).
oven: crispy shell! yay! difficult to separate to add condiments! boo! however, this method of preparation creates an excellent vessel for dipping in guac - like a stuffed nacho! hell yes!
recommendation: perfect for when you've been injured in a snowboarding accident or when you've been dumped by someone with bed bugs/scabies/severe allergic reactions/// - and just want to stay at home and have a mini snack (and a mag of cheap white wine). tasty!
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